Is the way you think limiting your success? 3 things to change today.

  1. Thinking that the way things worked in the past should be how they work now.

Whether you join a new company or have managed your career to date or have communicated a certain way, what worked previously may not be the right approach for today. If things are not good right now, ask yourself this: Did it used to work before? And if it doesn’t work for you anymore, then perhaps the next question to ask is whether you are still stuck in outdated ways of thinking and doing.

  1. Thinking that your perspective is the only one that matters, or is the right one.

I can tell you right now that whatever you think, there is an equally rational and balanced counter point. Before you make decisions or speak up or act, take a moment to acknowledge that you have only one view – yours. And – you might even be wrong. So ask yourself, how are the ways my thinking could be wrong – and assess then whether this then impacts your position.

  1. Never assume bad intent on the part of others.

Sometimes, people are having a bad day, and you see this in their actions and responses. Sometimes people say and do things without thinking through the consequences. Sometimes people are too busy to be mindful of their impact. Sometimes they are careless with their word choices. You will be a happier and more content person if you start with the default position that everyone else is a good person. Just like you. (And they really did not mean what you think they meant).

Friends, I have trained myself to think this way – and I have found that these keep me centred. And content.

Thank you for reading my post.  #leadership #mentalmodel

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