Teaching teachers.

Friends, sometimes we get involved in fun stuff that feeds our soul and lifts our spirit. 💕 💖
I have previously written about nbn® Australia‘s collaboration with University of Technology Sydney – and today, I have another fabulous story to share.

Our 2021 graduate Daisy Clarke has been kicking goals in our cybersecurity team.

Recently, when the UTS Wanago Year 12 students came to our Discovery Centre to learn more about technology, Daisy took them through her work on cybersecurity.

Her presentation impressed the students and teachers so much that for the UTS NSW Teacher Staff Development Day on the 7th of November, Daisy was invited to attend and teach the teachers!

Now why did I select Daisy to talk about cybersecurity in the first place? My belief is this. If we send one of our recent graduates (from the nbn Grad program) to teach a subject, they will:

💮 bring unrivalled enthusiasm and energy to the subject
🌸 they will uplift their presentations skills
🌺 their confidence will grow in ways that their day-to-day role may not offer.

So, friends, next time there is a presentation opportunity, give this to one of your less-seasoned colleagues, or to a grad, or to someone who really wants the opportunity/visibility.

Don’t hog all the spotlight for yourself. 😍😆.

Well done Daisy Clarke – you really are a star, and your future is so bright, we will have to wear 😎 to even look in your direction!

With my friends: Emily Mccarthy Anthony Links Emaly Black Sanjay Menon Ben Duffin Julia Hepworth Catherine Campbell @kellyanneGazo

#cybersecurity #teamnbn #leadership #steameducation


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