Something I am struggling with currently – and trying to remediate.

Friends – here is my challenge that I am actively working on remediating. But some context. Many people say you shouldn’t highlight your weaknesses or your flaws, especially in a public setting.

And often, in these times, people will feed you faux inspiration by telling you to own your perceived flaws. And wear it like a badge proudly. And if you are a woman (like I am, in case that was lost on anyone 😁😁), you will be advised to stop apologising for this that or the other and lean into whatever it is you’re discussing.

But friends, I am going to go against all that advice and now talk about stuff that I am actively trying to change about myself.

First, here is what I know and like about myself.

  • I am super-smart.
  • I am a kind, considerate and a caring human being.
  • I love to laugh and have fun.
  • I have many, many incredible ideas as well as the ability to execute on these.
  • I listen actively and I give meaningful counsel to others.
  • I have so much energy that I can run circles around a gaggle of 6-year-olds. 😁😁

But here is my flaw that I am working on. I have gathered this insight from hearing this from 6-10 people in the last 13 years – as well as by listening to myself on various recordings.

I am so bloody intense!

  • If you get me fired up about a subject I am passionate about, I am like an inferno. I will speak candidly, and I will make declarations and I will hold court.
  • I will use self-deprecation and mixed metaphors and malapropisms to make my points (usually to comic effect).
  • I will give off so much energy that listeners are usually left wondering what medication I am on (I’m not).

So, friends, I have a request. Starting now, I am going to try harder to be less intense. I want to give off the lava-bubbling-under-the-surface- vibe. Nothing to see on the surface.

I want to be chill. And cool. I just want to sit there nodding sagely like a female Buddha, totally Zen. And when I speak (where most of my problems manifest), I want to do so with coolness. Calm. Completely calm composure is the look I want to wear on my moue.

So, friends, you with me on this? Will you call me out when you see me waxing profound on a topic that you probably don’t care about?

By the way, I will dial down the intensity notch just a little – I am not about to do anything that impacts my fabulosity!

Thank you all!


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