Have you ever applied for a role – only to find you are over-qualified?
And do you believe that career progress means you need to take on more challenging roles – because these will help you grow – and that you shouldn’t consider roles that are a ‘step down’?
Here is another way of looking at it.
Assuming the role on offer is at same or similar salary, but the scope of the work is not as challenging, here are some considerations.
- A role that is below your current level of experience means that you can bring efficiencies into how the role is done. You will look like a star.
- When you complete the role in half the time and you have capacity to do more, you will look like a high performer when you indicate you are ready for additional responsibilities or challenges. You can ask your manager how you can assist them by taking on some of their work. You will add more value to the organisation.
- Instead of the day-to-day work being a value-add for you, consider the relationships you will build from taking on that role. Especially if it’s in a new company, you can use your spare time to form connections.
When you do steps 1 and 2 real well, which means you will have time for step 3, you never know what doors will open up for you.
So friends, don’t just judge a job by the day-to-day scope. Look at what else you will gain from taking it on. Think of it like an investment account. The dividend pays off later.
#promotions #jobcrafting