Friends – do you have someone, anyone in your life who will tell you the unvarnished truth, and ask you the hard questions?
Let’s say you are dating someone and it’s tough because all you seem to do is quarrel. And then, when you finally decide to break up, your friends confess that they already knew you were a bad match, but they didn’t want to say something.
See, you want friends who will always tell you the harsh truth. They would be the friends who would:
- Ask you why you are persevering with a dying business, when all signs point to this being a failed exercise.
- Ask you why you continue to be with someone when the two of you are not compatible.
- Ask you for your reasons for why you want to take a certain course of action.
These are not friends who will give you the stock standard, falsehood of “if it makes you happy, you should do it“.
These are friends who will highlight to you WHY you need to QUIT something. So, do you have anyone in your life like that?
If you don’t, you can always ping me. I will always tell you what you NEED to hear. 😍
#quitting #smallthoughts