Friends, I suspect that many of us think we don’t really have biases. And that we are generally good, decent human beings. And that we are fair.
And I’m sure we all are. But biases are mostly invisible and unconscious, and half the time, if not all the time, we are walking around with our biased perspectives, while thinking we are bias free.
See, biases are part of our human makeup – as part of our evolutionary safeguards to help us navigate the world.
So how do we test if we have biases?
Just look at your partner or spouse. If you have CHOSEN someone from your own ethnicity, religion, social standing, community, culture – then were you aware of your bias when you made this decision?
Yes, I am aware that choosing someone from the same background might make things easier in a relationship. But think of all the ways you might have GROWN had you gotten together from someone outside of your bubble.
So friends – the point of this post is to highlight that our biases are there shaping our world and informing our actions – without us being aware of it.
The more important point, of course, is to try to surface how some of our biased thinking plays out in our lives – and especially in the workplace.
hashtag biasawareness hashtag inclusion hashtag inclusiveleadership