One tiny thing that impacts your personal brand…..

Friends – here is a cautionary tale.

I met up with a couple of people for coffee (I do that in real-life from time to time 🤣)

I asked them how they had progressed with getting in touch with a couple of contacts I had introduced them to.

Both of them indicated that the individuals they had contacted never even “bothered replying to them.” 💀 ☠ 👻

These folks then went on to disparage the non-responders.

It occurred to me how DAMAGING this was for the folks who had not replied.

Friends – if someone pings you, please respond. Even if it’s a ‘no, thanks’ – it’s still better than silence.

Because if you don’t reply, do you know how many people will hear about this? And how damaging it is for your brand?

hashtagPersonalBranding hashtagBeBetter


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