A tiny thought for job-seekers…..

Friends, if you are currently looking for a new role, and you’re finding it a struggle, here is a thought that I find helpful. 💕❤️

The right role for you is there – waiting for you. But other conditions have to be met first before you can have this role. As examples:

🔅 a person may already be in that role. This person has to decide to leave

✳ the organisation may be planning a restructure before that opportunity becomes available

✴ a new team is yet to be formed – and you will be a key member

💠 new work will need to be budgeted – before the hiring manager decides a new role is needed

🔘 you may need to tell friends you’re looking for the role – and that friend may introduce you to the hiring manager

See – there are MANY factors that need to eventuate and fall into place BEFORE the role is ready for you to step into it.

So yes, I understand the wait is painful – but each day that goes past is one day closer for you stepping into the role. All the best for your search!

hashtagJobHunt hashtagRemainPositive


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