A friend was given feedback that she does not have “leadership presence”.
My friend:
🧡consistently demonstrates a strategic mindset
💙 respectfully challenges poor decisions
💛 speaks up in meetings when needed
💚 is friendly, courteous and hardworking
💜 is well-liked and respected by others
❤️ is intelligent
When she told me this, I thought about the senior leader who had said this about her.
I came to the conclusion that the senior executive who provided this feedback had a WARPED view of leadership.
I wondered what leadership looked like in HIS MIND. We won’t know of course, because the nebulous feedback was indirectly passed on – and there was no actionable insight in there.
It was needless, unkind and counterproductive. But how do we address this?
By holding people accountable when they make such allegations. Any such claim should be followed up with: TELL ME MORE.