Do you pay attention to people’s body language?

Articles and books on body language will tell you that what people are thinking and feeling are revealed by their body language, for example:

💠 folded arms – anger or defensiveness
✳ leaning away from you – uncomfortable, anxious
✴ frowning – not liking what you are saying
📛 rubbing their nose – feeling anxious
🔱 playing with their hair – flirtatious behaviour
🔰 scratching the ear – nervousness or boredom

But sometimes, friends, body language can be misleading if you pay too much attention to it.

🤷‍♀️ Folded arms could just be a relaxing position for that person
👨‍🔧 Ear scratching could just be wax build up
🙅‍♂️ playing with hair could just be….that.

So be cautious about reading too much into what you’re seeing.

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