Do you know how you REVEAL your insecurities in conversation?

Friends – if you have concerns about the impression others might have about you, or about something that was given to you, be careful about what you might inadvertently (yet voluntarily) reveal in conversation.

Your casual speech will reveal your insecurities to those who are paying attention. 😈

My friend who recently got a promotion spoke about how intense the process was and then volunteered ‘it wasn’t a diversity hire, I got the job fair and square’.

Up until that point, the thought never crossed my mind that her promotion was tokenistic. But she clearly feared that this was the IMPRESSION her promotion might have given to others.


💐 You said: I was chosen for that team because I had the right programming skills.
🌺 What people heard: I don’t want people to think I was hired because the manager likes me.

🌼 You said: I was selected for that leadership program because I spent a lot of time on the application.
🌸 What people heard: I don’t want people to think I was selected because I threatened to quit.

So, be careful about what you volunteer, friends. If you have insecurities, it’s probably wise not to reveal them.

hashtagMindfulness hashtagCommunicationSkills hashtagLeadership


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