Do you ever wake up feeling grumpy for no reason and then (un)intentionally spread negativity around you?

I recently dealt with a family member who exhibited this behavior, waking up in a bad mood and then successfully spreading his negativity to others.

I firmly believe that imposing one’s bad mood on others is unfair. When this happens, I have no issue telling my family member that weaponising his bad mood is an act of terrorism on the family. 👿 💀

It’s essential to communicate openly if you’re having a rough day and seek understanding from others rather than projecting your emotions onto them.

No one should feel obligated to walk on eggshells due to someone else’s mood, be it a family member, a colleague, a friend – or especially, a manager.

[[Let’s strive to create a positive environment where everyone’s feelings are respected. ]] Friends – AI tells me I should add this final, positive statement. I’m not sure about it – it reads somewhat inauthentically for me. 😂

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