Category Archives: Uncategorized
The most disrespectful thing you can do (with coffee connects)
Friends, I aim to connect people with other people because: connections offer a learning opportunity. connections can be a starting point for a friendship, for a new role, for an opportunity for business or for collaboration. connections help bind us … Continue reading
A somewhat interesting observation about us.
Ok friends. Let’s talk about something that was happening in workplaces before Covid. Do you recall how it was just easier to ping someone or email them instead of phoning them or walking down the hallway to talk to them? … Continue reading
I’m baffled. Where has the trust gone?
Friends, I’m baffled. I’m looking around me, and I’m seeing behaviors that I just don’t understand. When did we lose trust in each other? Most crucially, when did we lose trust in people that we are supposed to trust the … Continue reading
Teaching teachers.
Friends, sometimes we get involved in fun stuff that feeds our soul and lifts our spirit. 💕 💖 I have previously written about nbn® Australia‘s collaboration with University of Technology Sydney – and today, I have another fabulous story to share. Our … Continue reading
The number 1 ingredient for project success
You know friends, everyone will tell you that the triad to monitor for effective project management is scope, budget and time. And quality if you want to be cerebral about it. I’m not here to disagree. But I am here … Continue reading
People leaders – are you across Safework’s Code of Practice for Managing Psychosocial Hazards at Work?
Friends – for the last three years, those of you who talk to me know that I have been talking about uplifting people leadership practices – because we need to be cognisant that mental health in the workplace is (already) … Continue reading
Stop saying: It’s NOT about the money.
I had a colleague tell me about a new role she had started. I asked whether she was happy with the remuneration she was offered. And here is what she said: It’s not about the money. Friends, please stop saying … Continue reading
How does bias play up in tiny ways?
Friends – it’s hard to think of ourselves as having biases, because we all want to be known as decent human beings. But what do our actions say? Here is an example from this week that demonstrates one way we … Continue reading
Would I have an issue being a token hire?
For a Head of Engineering role where I have zero qualifications and zero experience – the answer is Yes. For a Head of Delivery or People Engagement/Culture/Transformation – where I have a whole lot of experience – the answer is … Continue reading
A starting position when trying to manipulate someone or something
A few years ago, I tried to manipulate a situation in the workplace. It was an email thread with a senior leader and multiple team members. I asked an innocent-seeming question in the email, with the intent that the senior … Continue reading