Category Archives: Uncategorized
One simple way to raise your leadership visibility with senior executives
Friends, here is something I have noticed. Many people will jostle for position to get on the agenda of SteerCo (Steering Committee) meetings or other sessions with senior leaders. Many people think that the way to get noticed is by … Continue reading
How many people have been promoted on your watch, people leaders?
In an interview setting, if a candidate asked you this question, what would your reply be? In addition to achieving outcomes via their teams (getting work done), people leaders have also signed up to ensuring that they provide their people … Continue reading
Is the way you think limiting your success? 3 things to change today.
Thinking that the way things worked in the past should be how they work now. Whether you join a new company or have managed your career to date or have communicated a certain way, what worked previously may not be … Continue reading
What’s my number one rule for a presentation?
Understand what the audience wants to hear. Friends, nbn’s Rise and Shine program aims to elevate the leadership behaviours, mindsets and practices of our women so that they have the confidence and tools to self-drive their careers. One highly effective … Continue reading
How I use AI in my work
I have been using ChatGPT – an AI-powered language model developed by OpenAI – to mostly amuse myself to assess the extent of how it works. I have also been testing the depth of its knowledge on a range of … Continue reading
So friends, I have a confession to make.
Every now and again, I come across people who insist they are the way they are because they are a Connector, or a Pioneer or a Teacher or an Intuitive or a PiNJ or some other snappy label. These … Continue reading
What makes you believe you have free will?
Over the years, as I have grown older, and wiser for sure, I have come to a conclusion. As I look back over my life, I see the synchronicities and serendipitous events that have created the patterns in the tapestry … Continue reading
Sometimes my thinking is wrong. I’m cool with that because I have a plan.
Every now and again I will have a strong thought or a reaction about something and I will be adamant that my thinking is right. Now usually, these thoughts border on uncharitable. I have learnt that when this happens, the … Continue reading
Effective ways to raise your visibility
Have you ever been told that you are smart and a great team player and accomplished, but you lack visibility? Did you then go on to wonder how to raise your visibility in the workplace? My colleague Clodagh wondered this … Continue reading
People leaders – What does your face tell your team?
Here is an insight I often tell our people leaders. One of the most powerful, yet the most troubling way you will relay a message to your people – without speaking a word – is by your facial expression. If … Continue reading